This is to kindly inform the following programs MEd Pry (regular), MEd IE, BEd (regular and part-time), DPESC, PgDE, ECCD (Part-time) that the Exam Record is pleased to publish the draft timetable for the Spring semester-end examination, 2023. This is for your necessary action and perusal.
The timetable will be finalised upon the receive of the collective feedback in written from the classess (if any). The walk-in individual feedback may not be entertained by the unit. The concerns are requested to submit the feedback on or before 13 May, 3:30 PM. You may address to "Examination Record" for any adjustments of the modules in the timetable. Accordingly, the final timetable will be published on 15 May.
Enclosed herewith the copy of draft exam timetable for Spring Semester-end Examination, 2023.
-Exam Record.