
Biomatric data collection programme

Biomatric data collection programme

Ngawang Phuntsho(Assistant Professor/DSA) གིས-
Number of replies: 0

Dear Staff & students.

Paro Dzongkhag Biometric Data Collection team will be here at the college for the “Biometric Data collection” form Tuesday till Friday (24-27th May, 2022). Therefore, I would like to request all to register and attend for the biometric collection programme, so that the team successfully completes the data collection on time.

Coordinators: SSOs (Tempa Gyeltshen & Cheki Edn)

Venue: Tsenden Hall 4 (Happiness and Welbeing Centre

Time: 9:00 – 5:00 PM

(Edited by Jurme Thinley (Programme Leader) - original submission Monday, 23 May 2022, 5:33 PM)