
Spiritual Activity

Spiritual Activity

by Ngawang Phuntsho(Assistant Professor/DSA) -
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Dear friends,

Tomorrow (Wednesday: 11/08/2021), we have decided to move a very rare Buddhist Scriptures (71 volumes of Rinchen Terzod, (The Great Treasury of Rediscovered Teachings) 40 volumes of Ri-Thro Zel-Dham, 3 volumes of Longchen Ze-Dun,  4 volumes of Khenchen Jigme Phustsho’s  Sung-Bum (collection of works) from President’s office to the Inner Science Research Library  in the morning followed by (Lung) Oral transmission and (Ka-thri) spiritual Instructions on 108 Tertons (treasure discoverer),  in the newly developed ISER library.

Afternoon by 2:00 PM there will be an empowerment (Wang) on Medicinal Buddha. Therefore, I would like to request all of you not to miss this Very Rare opportunity, since we do not have any sessions in the afternoon. The Wang will happen in Students’ lounge (Happiness Center)

The “Lung and ka-Thri” (morning)and Wang (afternoon) will be presided by Venerable Chabjay Choney Rangser Rimpoche popularly known as Tang Rimpoche.

 "Please do not forget to follow the COVID-19 safty Protocols"

Ngawang Phuntsho