
Self-Catering Notice

Self-Catering Notice

by Tempa Gyeltshen(Student Service Officer) -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students (Year I&II) 

This is as per the announcement made by the College Management on Spring Semester, 2021.

As decided by the committee having had looked into all aspects that 1st and 2nd students only to be provided hostel facilities and keep them guided. Residence Management Team had decided that no one (1st & 2nd year) shall be entertained as day scholars. It is mandate to reside in the hostels.

Therefore, those who have severe dietary issues and recommended by Health Official may put up your application along with supporting medical documents on or before 10th Feb, 2021. The team shall assess the documents and be allotted in self catering hostels.

There are 20 seats for men and 48 seats for women respectively.

Submit your (men) application

For women