Dear Graduates of 2020,
This is to remind you all that there will be two days talk supported by UNFPA on 26th and 27th July. The talk will be given by MoH, RENEW and UNFPA personals. The two days talk is specifically organized for the graduates to provide self-care knowledge and skills during pandemic. With the knowledge and skills learned during the two days talk we hope that you will play a vital role in helping and sharing it to your family and community as well.
Here are some topics that you will be learning on;
1. Sexual Health
2. Sexual Abuse
3. Gender Based Violence
4. Rights and Responsibilities
5. Adolescent Friendly Health Services
6. Helplines etc.
Your participation is compulsory. Kindly do not plan leaving the college without attending the two days talk. All the participants will be served with three meals and tea. Please refer the attachment for detail information.
Thank you,