
PCE Happiness & Well-being Centre Brochure and handout

PCE Happiness & Well-being Centre Brochure and handout

by Tempa Gyeltshen(Student Service Officer) -
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Dear All,

As part of the Happiness &Well-being Centre task, PCE H&WC team came up with the brocure along with strategies to cope up with two important issues at this point of time; 
1.Time Management
2. Stress Management
Due to COVID 19 Pandemic, the colleges & schools are all closed thereby causing some other academic related problems due to shift in teaching-learning paradigm to online teaching-learning or e-learning. 
University students are bogged down with a lot of assignments & activities leading to stressed situation.
Keeping in mind the stress & time management problem, H&WC, PCE is sharing some of the tips to overcome these issues.
"You are never defeated until you accept yourself as a loser"